TRAPPO's Mail Bag #6!


It's time once again to open up TRAPPO's mail bag and address some listener comments! This time around, we're talking about Tunabunny (the other, other band from Athens, GA), how Metallica lost their way in the 1990s and never quite found their way back, whether or not Audomatic Body from Lou Canon is "krazy good", 1995's Castle Freak, because we can apparently never stop talking about 1995's Castle Freak, and a bunch of other stuff that you probably don't care about! You can listen below, or find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Anchor and Spotify, so choose your own adventure and become one with the mail bag.

That's it for this week, but we'll be back soon with more sure-to-be exciting and topical stuff for you to shove into your ear holes! Until then, we encourage you to join the conversation! Leave a comment below and tell us what you'd like to see represented on future episodes! You can also send us an email if you're feeling more wordy. We really love getting new emails. It's the highlight of our lives. So please send us an email. Please. Just to let us know we still exist and haven't faded from this realm and remain only as revenants to haunt the living with our disembodied voices on this podcast. We surely would appreciate that. You can also visit the official TRAPPO Instagram feed for the complete experience, if that's what you're into.

Thanks for listening!


  1. Blame It On The PainMarch 25, 2022 at 8:21 PM

    Has anybody ever recommended Wanton Witch to the podcast? There's a cool story behind her fucked up, aggressive blend of techno, house and who knows what else she's known for. It's not for everybody, but if you're in the right mood it can send you on a frenzied trip to some long-forgotten corners of your psyche, if that's what you're into. If you haven't heard Wanton Witch before, you should get on that. Then tell me I'm a fucking dumbass for wasting your time. It's cool.

  2. In the Rob Zombie movie "The Devil's Rejects" (which is great and you should see if you haven't already, although it gets pretty violent and fucked up at times), there's a fake band called Banjo & Sullivan that gets mixed up with the bad guys during the first act. Much to my surprise, there's an actual album of music from this fake band that isn't bad! It was released as a "greatest hits" collection and is filled with actual songs, most of them originals, performed by a country band that doesn't actually exist. That's the most bizarre thing, and I think that could be a neat topic for the show. The Bad That Didn't Exist. Isn't that cool? It's out of print right now, but you can still find it 0n the secondary market pretty cheap sometimes. Or there are always less reputable means to listen, I suppose, but you didn't hear it from me.

    They even cover Free Bird.

  3. I've listened to Lou Canon, and that's pretty damn solid stuff. I was very impressed with "Audomatic Body", and there's even a new release that includes a bunch of cool remixes from that record. It's worth checking out.

    I also listened to both of the records you've got up for vote, and they're fucking fantastic, if you don't mind me saying. Jupiter's Purse is definitely the weaker of the two, but I read some interviews with Mattie and she's either out of her mind or she's got it all figured out. Either way, she's got my vote. Cellfish is some spaced-out trip-hop shit, and I'm here for it. Crease is like some spookhouse nightmare fuel that gives me goosebumps, and I can't get enough of that RL Stine magic in my life.

    And Rob Zombie's The Munsters movie has officially been rated PG, and I'm lurking on a discord server of Zombie fans who are pissed the fuck off. They think he's sold out or some studio executives are telling him what to do and he's been beaten down by THE MAN. I guess these idiots thought the dude was going to reinvent this beloved sitcom family into the fucking Firefly clan 2.0 or whatever. Honestly I'm hyped for this movie regardless, and it's just hilarious to watch these bitter gorehound nerds pull their pubic hairs out by the roots because they think their patron saint of vulgar carny horror has forsaken them. Do they not realize this guy was passionately trying to make a movie about the Philadelphia Flyers for years? He doesn't just want to make horror films. And The Munsters is like his favorite thing in the world. Take a pill, nerds. Let the man follow his bliss.

    And maybe you guys should discuss some ROb Zombie on the show. A mixtape or whatever would be cool, since I'm not sure any of his albums are worth talking about on their own. Except for Hellbilly Deluxe. That mofo still holds up.

  4. Rob Zombie's Munsters movie is probly gonna be not good, but that won't have anything to do with the rating. It's nice to see Zombie seem so passionate about the project on social media, especially after his last couple movies felt so lifeless and dull compared to what he was making before. There's a lot of passion and joy behind House of 1000 Corpses or The Devil's Rejects, whether you enjoyed the movies or not. Even his animated movie is pretty fun for what it is. But watching 31 was like doing chores, and there was no real spark to any part of that movie. It just felt like what most people who have never seen "a Rob Zombie movie" would have in their minds. Vulgar, violent trash. And that 3 From Hell really did a disservice to his earlier movies with those same characters. They were dead! Bringing them back felt so cheap.

    Maybe this Munsters movie will put him on a new trajectory in his career and he'll be able to stop making horror movies just because that's what people expect him to do. WHy not let the guy make his hockey movie next? That might be cool. Or that one movie he was developing called Tyrannosaurus Rex. I don't remember much about that one but it sounded cool.

    I like Hillbilly Deluxe a lot, but since you've started doing these polls, why not put it up for a vote? If you're interested in covering the Zombie's music at all, that is. Let the fans choose which album you end up talking about? I'm cool with that.


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