The Munsters Mail Bag!


On this very special episode of TRAPPO's Mail Bag, we're addressing a glut of listener comments that (inexplicably) cover director Rob Zombie's upcoming reboot of classic TV sitcom The Munsters. Why? Why not? It's our show after all, and if we want to spend 28 minutes talking about the trailer for a movie coming to Netflix in September, we can do that. And if you want to listen to 28 minutes of two dudes talking about the trailer for a movie coming to Netflix in September, you can do that, too! There's also a fair amount of Glenn Danzig discussion in the episode, because apparently TRAPPO is doomed to talk about our Uncle Glenn periodically until the end of time. Or at least the end of TRAPPO. Whichever comes first. 

I do have to apologize for some glaring technical issues with this episode, which are worse than usual, unfortunately. We record TRAPPO direct to Anchor for several different reasons, and I download the raw audio to edit each episode before re-uploading the finished product each week. As such, I am left to the mercy of Anchor regarding the relative quality of each raw recording, and this particular episode was lousy with flaws. I have done my absolute best to minimize these flaws, but you're going to hear a lot of pops and clicks and other little anomalies that I couldn't remove. If this proves to be too much for you and you don't finish listening to the episode, I completely understand. This recording was just a complete mess, and I even briefly considered scrapping the Munsters Mail Bag entirely, but  I ultimately think the episode is worthy of your time despite its issues, so it lies below for your listening displeasure.

This latest episode is also available on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify and Anchor, so choose your own adventure and greetings from Transylvania!

Join the conversation! Sound off below and tell us what you think of the trailers for Rob Zombie's The Munsters and whether or not you're excited to watch the movie when it hits Netflix on September 22nd. And while you're down there, suggest some topics for future episodes. If you're feeling a bit more wordy, feel free to send us an email. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter for the complete TRAPPO experience.

Thanks for listening!


  1. This is the dumbest fucking movie ever made. Fuck the monsters. I canceled Metflix so I won’t be watching this crap fest.

  2. The blu-ray has an hour long documentary? Huh. It’s currently pretty cheap to pre-order on Amazon. I’m tempted. But I think I’ll probably just watch it on Netflix. I don’t need to make every bad decision, you know? I think the movie will probably be okay. Not great, but I can’t imagine it will be a disaster. I guess I’m looking forward to The Munsters. A little. Cautiously optimistic.

  3. Glenn Danzig still sucks. What’s the difference between that goober making lame music he enjoys and Rob Zombie making music he enjoys? How has Zombie compromised himself compared to Danzig? By directing that Halloween remake? By directing The Munsters? That’s somehow worse than fucking Verotika? Zombie’s damaged goods because he had fun recording a deliberately stupid song about fucking in flying saucers and that’s more laughable than most of Danzig’s po-faced monster goth bullshit? Don’t hold Glenn Danzig up as some kind of pop culture paragon. Rob Zombie is living his best life, and good for him. I’ll watch The Munsters on Netflix. It’ll probably be disposable fun, which I’m sure is all it was ever intended to be.


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