TRAPPO's Mail Bag #11!
The show that talks about you on purpose is back with this, the eleventh installment of TRAPPO's Mail Bag! And we've got a real humdinger of an episode for you this week, dear listener. We're dealing with a whole lot of stuff that you're just dying to hear us discuss, including Frank Zappa, old school Saturday Night Live, the atmospheric gothic doom work of Darkher, we go down the Dungeon Synth rabbit hole for a little while, Dustin plays amateur detective and tries to figure out what half-remembered music a listener found on YouTube one night, the past theatrical adaptations of Judge Dredd are discussed, and the tables are turned when the boys suggest a few things to the listeners. The show is embedded below, and you can also find it on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify and Anchor, so choose your own adventure and let's get to the comedy!
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Thanks for listening!
Dungeon Synth? There’s actually a thing called dungeon synth. And there’s so much of it. Just dipping my toe in to see what’s up and I see a truly overwhelming number of artists working in the genre. It’s a bit intimidating looking for a place to start, honestly. I think I’ll just follow some of your suggestions and see if I can get into the genre. It’s worth a shot, I guess.
ReplyDeletehere's a playlist of top notch dungeon synth, assembled by Andee Connors who hosts the awesome experimental Black Metal radio show "Battleflutes & Sideways Skulls":
Cool! Thanks for the link! I think I might actually be getting into dungeon synth now. It’s just good to have a foundation, and I appreciate the effort. I just left it on as background music while reading over the past few days, and I love it. Really good stuff. Love your music, by the way. It’s killer.
DeleteI can’t believe Zappa never did drugs. How could that possibly be? The guy butting heads with the cast of Saturday Night Live because they’re all on drugs and his mounting frustration because he just wants to make a TV show is bizarre and very humorous. I need to watch this episode sometime to see how much of a train wreck it really is.
ReplyDeleteThe new album from The Mountain Goats just dropped, and it’s cool stuff. It’s called “Bleed Out” and it’s based around old crime fiction, I think? Either way, the music’s got good energy to it, it’s creative as hell, and I highly recommend it.
THETIS 2086! That’s it! I can’t believe you actually knew what I was talking about! Carolina Eyck. I followed your link and bought her digital album yesterday, and it’s fucking awesome! I never knew I loved the theremin until now. Thank you so much for having a better memory than me, and for also somehow knowing this really obscure shit. I really like this weird fucking record a lot, and I don’t think I would have found it on my own.
ReplyDeleteKeep TRAPPO fucking weird!
I’d like to hear somebody talk about The Garbage Pail Kids. I was a little too young when they first came out, but my older brother was big into them for a while, and he gave me all his cards when he started high school, and I thought they were the weirdest, grossest things, but they fascinated me. I still have some of those cards somewhere, and I’ll have to dig them out one day. How we’re these bizarre things ever a big deal? They even made a damn Garbage Paul Kids movie once, which makes no sense to me. I know there was a Mara Attacks movie too, but you could piece a story together from those cards if you wanted to. Garbage Paul Kids we’re just a series of monstrously deformed children. Where’s the story there? I guess I’ve never been able to wrap my head around these things. The 1980s were just a bizarre time.
ReplyDeleteI love hearing stories about the VHS days and late night cable TV. I’m a little too young to have lived through most of that, but my older brother and sister (both born in the 1980s, I’m a mid-90s kid) still tell me tales of renting a bunch of weird videotapes and watching skin flicks on Showtime when they were kids. I have a kind of nostalgia by proxy for a decade I never really knew. I like watching cheap comedies made in the 1980s because they almost all prominently feature shopping malls, and I like to stare at the backgrounds and try to read the store names. I’m just fascinated by the 80s and I don’t really know why. Do you guys have any weird or funny 80s stories? That could be an episode right there. 1980s TV and movie nostalgia? Think about it, Trappers.