Good, Great or Garbage: "Wet Leg" by Wet Leg & "Detritus" by Sarah Neufeld


We're back with an all-new installment of the show that talks about stuff on purpose! This week, we're talking Good, Great of Garbage with a pair of recent albums that we wanted to discuss for your listening pleasure, the 2022 debut album from British indie rockers Wet Leg and the latest instrumental soundscape from accomplished violinist Sarah Neufeld, 2021's Detritus. Are these two records good enough to make the cut? Will they be inducted into the illustrious TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Tune in to find out. The episode is below, and you can also find it on Apple, Google, RadioPublic, Pocket Casts, Spotify and Anchor, so choose your own adventure and let's tumble down the undecided...

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Thanks for listening!


  1. Wet Leg is good music. I don’t get the Buffalo 66 reference. These British kids shouldn’t be aware of that movie’s existence.

  2. Not putting Wet Leg in the canon is the right call, I think. It’s a solid debut, but the music isn’t terribly exciting. I like it, but I don’t love it. Maybe their next album will kick some serious ace.

    Detritus already kicks some serious ace, so I’m glad that made the grade. I’m not aware of any of the artist’s work beyond this, and I only listened to it at all because of your show, since I’ve never heard of Sarah Neufeld before. But there’s an amazing quality to this music, so expansive and exciting. I love it.

  3. What was up with that weird clip of some weirdo talking about "spanning time" or whatever? Was that actually from Buffalo 66? If so, what the hell is going on in that movie? I've never heard of it before. And why couldn't Wet Leg be in your cannon? It's so catchy. That music gets all up in your brain and doesn't let go. It lays eggs in your fucking grey matter. Wet Eggs. Then they hatch and chew their way out through your stupid ears, sprouting wings of glory and they fly away on the crisp breeze to find new host brains to propagate their horrid species. We need to elect a new pope. Pope TRAPPO. This corpulent clown will canonize Wet Leg for sure. I firmly believe that. Archbishop Wet Leg, lads? Wet Leg will baptize the children, and never molest them. Reform the church! Let Pope TRAPPO I ascend! This I have foreseen in my prophetic visions as I lay writhing on the dirty basement floor of an abandoned office building after drinking too many chocolate choo-choo's on a lonely Saturday night. Heed my words or face your doom! Face your doom, I say! The time of the great maelstrom is nigh! Praise TRAPPO and be saved!

    By the way, do you think you guys could take a closer look at a recent release called Sadness Permeates My Living & Dying from an artist called Nostalgique? My friend calls it "depressive black metal" and I didn't know what the hell that was, and after listening to this album, I still don't know what that is, but I know that I like it. Thanks, and don't forget that the great maelstrom is coming soon, so be prepared for that. And watch for white smoke to billow from the chimney at the Vatican. That will signal the ascension of Pope TRAPPO I.

    Big fan, by the way. I've listened to maybe half of your shows. Spanning time.

  4. Sincerely, The UndersignedSeptember 13, 2022 at 8:30 AM

    Tumble Down The Undecided is like rush hour traffic? Guy hears this big, beautiful and epic song, filled with soaring emotion and bombast, and the best he can come up with is rush hour traffic? That’s incredibly unimaginative, and really disappointing. Detritus is filled with music that stirs deep emotions and kindles imagination, and some dude’s brain just goes right to heavy traffic? I don’t know why that bothers me so much but it does. Guy barely chimes in the whole episode and when he finally does speak up he says “rush hour traffic”. Killer contribution.

    And Wet Leg should be in the canon. Cowards.

  5. Wet Leg turns my crank. Detritus tickles my soul. That’s all well and good, my friends, but what about some good old fashioned psychedelic rock? And by “old fashioned”, I mean fucked-out tunes from a deranged Australian dude in the year of our lord 2022? That’s right, TRAPS! I’m talking about motherfucking TOEHIDER! And that’s pronounced “toe hider” for the uninitiated. TOEHIDER is the work of a madman from Melbourne named Micheal Mills, and he’s got imagination for days, not to mention a couple screws loose.

    This beautiful weirdo has been pumping out madness from the deep, dark well in his brain for a little while now, but his latest creation, a cosmic phantasmagoria called “I Have Little To No Memory Of These Memories” is his crowning achievement for sure. It’s a psychedelic sci-fi journey through a universe of evil aliens, giant birds, broken memories and melting faces.

    It’s pretty cool stuff and I implore you fine TRAPS, as well as the other esteemed members of the illustrious Order Of TRAPPO to indulge in this decadent musical dessert.

    It’s one 47 minute-long song.

    You’re welcome.

  6. Detritus doesn't do anything for me. It's a bunch of spaced-out noise, ambient music. That's not the kind of stuff I really want to listen to. Wet Leg is probably more my speed, but there's just something about it, some quality I can't really define, that prevents me from really connecting to the music. It's fine, I guess. I don't know what the big fuss is about it, at all. That supermarket song is just dumb, though. I'm sorry to disagree so much with your choices, but I just wasn't feeling these picks.

    You probably won't want to hear my pick now, but I'll throw it out there anyway. It's something I've been listening to called Sleeping Dogs by a band called Damn Tall Buildings. It's pretty upbeat stuff, a country-bluegrass outfit that's pretty talented. Apparently the Boston Globe calls them "The Carter Family for the millennial generation", and I might be impressed if I knew what that meant, but I like the music quite a bit. I'm not sure if it's "canon worthy" but maybe you dudes could listen to it.

    I mean, it's no Wet Leg, but don't hold that against them.

  7. I want to tell you about the day I’m having. My dog got sick overnight and I didn’t hear it, so when I got out of bed in the morning I stepped in a cold pile of dog vomit. That basically set the tone for the day to come. I manage a bakery, and a steam valve broke this morning which turned the whole building into a sauna. This ruined half of the food we were working on, so I made the decision to close up and send everybody home until the maintenance crew came in to fix the problem. The food truck I frequent was out of carne asada so I couldn’t have my favorite street tacos for lunch. I saw some asshole in a big truck run over a squirrel while walking home. And the elevator in my apartment building broke down while I was out, so I had to walk up six flights of stairs with a twisted ankle, since I tripped over some old man’s cane as he was loitering outside my building’s front door.

    I’m pretty drunk right now, since I couldn’t think of anything better to do, and I’m listening to Celestial Blues by King Woman, which I do frequently when I’m in a bad mood and feel like blowing up the whole world. I don’t really have anything profound to say about this. I had a bad day, and Celestial Blues is the kind of music that helps get me through bad days. My friends don’t really like the music, so I can’t really talk about it to anybody I know. I just think it’s neat. I’m not mad at my dog, I just wish he hadn’t puked right next to the bed. He’s a good dog. I like TRAPPO. Please talk about King Woman so I can pretend that you guys are my friends.

  8. Good show, gentlemen. You made the right call on both counts, and I commend you both for that. Some things just don't belong in the canon. In fact, I'd go so far as to say you've been rather lenient in some of your prior selections. Perhaps it's time to get a bit more strict regarding what actually makes it into the canon? After all, you wouldn't want to subject any horny alien life forms to just any old music just because you don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, would you? Think about posterity, gentlemen. Think about the future. It's called the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on, not the TRAPPO Not-So-Essentials Can(n)on. We must preserve only the cream of the crop for future generations. The absolute cream of the crop. Detritus is the cream. Wet Leg is not the cream.

    If you're looking for some future cream, let me introduce you discerning fellows to an Australian progressive metal outfit named Reliqa. Never heard of Reliqa? Few have. This supremely talented quartet of musical magicians have been toiling in relative obscurity thus far, but I've a feeling their fortunes are about to change for the better with the release of their latest work, an EP entitled "I Don't Know What I Am". It's six phenomenal tracks of prog metal bliss, laid out with an assuredness and a level of innate talent that has made lesser minds swoon. We need more cream for our crop, gentlemen. And Reliqa is churning that sweet cream into smooth metal butter as we live and breathe. I'm still a little tipsy from the gas since I had a tooth pulled this afternoon, but that will not prevent me from sharing the complex beauty of Reliqa with you fine friends, in the hopes that you will see the light and elevate this glorious band of musical misfits into the hallowed halls of the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on where they rightfully belong.

    Keep TRAPPO weird. And keep it tight, gents.


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