New Music Showcase: "Death Folk Country" by Dorthia Cottrell (Poll Closed)


(The poll is closed, and Death Folk Country from Dorthia Cottrell has officially been inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on. Congratulations to Dorthia Cottrell. -D)

Hello, dear listener! It's Black Friday, and what better way to celebrate than to take a little road trip to Death Folk Country? It's not just a recent solo album from Windhand frontwoman Dorthia Cottrell... but a state of mind. And it's also the newest edition of TRAPPO's New Music Showcase, which is pretty exciting. So listen to your 63rd favorite podcast discuss these cool tunes for a little while this weekend, when you're not out and about, bludgeoning other consumers with your clenched fists in a frenzied dash to buy a cheap new TV from Walmart, or whatever it is you people do when you're not listening to TRAPPO. The episode is below, and we're also on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Other Spotify, and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and annihilate you family this weekend under a blood-red sky...

If you'd like to listen to Death Folk Country for yourself you can listen below or just CLICK HERE and support the artist directly!

While you're hanging around, you may as well join the conversation. It's happening right now in the comment section down below. Just scroll down a bit and share your thoughts on Death Folk Country and Dorthia Cottrell, or just tell us something cool that you'd like to share. We're waiting to hear from you, dear listener. We also have an email address, if that's something you're into. It's, so if you feel like sharing some more elaborate thoughts and opinions with us, then get in contact with us. Please, for the love of all things sacred and profane, send us an email. We want to be best friends with you. The door is open. Just walk on through. We're also on social media. We hate social media, but we're there, waiting for you to follow us. You follow random otter accounts and shit like that, so why not TRAPPO? We're not as cool as otters, but we have opposable thumbs and appreciate good music. So follow us on Instagram, BlueSky and Threads for the complete TRAPPO experience.

That's it for now. Listen to Death Folk Country. Follow TRAPPO, and thanks for listening!


  1. These songs feel like some poser crap to me. I don’t hear any real emotion here. Pass.

    1. I’m not a contrarian asshole. I just don’t like the music. So I voted no.

  2. I like Dorthia Cottrell quite a lot. This music is pretty cool, but it’s a bit of a departure from her work with Windhand. Your show should do an episode on Windhand. That would be good. Windhand kinda sounds like a forbidden martial arts technique. Your hands move so quickly you can cut the wind itself or something cool like that.


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