The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards!


At long last, The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards have arrived! This time around, our friends Gore and Carey, "The Gruesome Twosome", at 66.6 KTRP have stepped up to host the ceremony, which was held before a live studio audience... somewhere! We're not exactly sure, to be honest. We don't know where the Merriwick Bingo Hall is, and oddly enough we weren't invited to the ceremony. Perhaps our invitations got lost in the mail. Regardless, at some unspecified point in the month of January The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards were broadcast live on 66.6 KTRP, and now we've been sent an archived edition of the broadcast which we're now sharing with all of you dear listeners. You voted in 21 stacked categories, and now you get to find out if your favorite musical artists have won any of the most prestigious awards the world has to offer, not to mention induction in the illustrious TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on, which is probably the greatest gift of all. It'll just have to do since we don't have any physical trophies to give any of our winners. We're operating on no budget, dear listeners.

The full archived broadcast of The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards is below, or you can also find it on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, The Other Spotify (the podcast one), and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and join us as we celebrate the music that enriches our souls and elevates our blood pressure...

Join the conversation! Tell us what you thought of this year's broadcast! Did your favorites win? Were they even nominated? If not, feel free to vent your wretched spleen below. We can't wait to hear your thoughts on our annual award show. If you'd like to share those thoughts in a longer form, you could always send us one of those fancy emails, which we always greatly appreciate. Our address is, if you're interested. You're not, but we remain optimistic. We're also all over that social media thing, which we know is popular with all the cool cats out there. We're out there haunting the dimly lit corridors of Instagram, BlueSky and Threads, so follow us on those awesome social media platforms if you're looking for the total TRAPPO experience. Whatever that means. Would you like to find out what that means? Then follow us on social media. We'll be your friends for life. Or at least for a few weeks. 

That's it for now. We'll be back with a new (non-KTRP) episode of the show that talks about stuff on purpose soon. Maybe next week. We might have earned a week off after this grueling experience. Who knows? I suppose if I don't update the blog next week you'll have your answer. Thanks for listening, and thanks for voting. This show couldn't have happened without you, dear listeners. It's all for you.


  1. This is noise. You couldn’t pay me to finish listening to this garbage.

    1. Don't be harsh. I thought it was okay.

    2. I can't believe I forget to mention that the show sucked. It was the worst thing I've ever heard. The Gruesome Twosome should be ashamed. So unprofessional. I think Billy Bones has ground for a lawsuit. He deserves better than this. Justice for Billy Bones. And justice for Eunice. It's not her fault she didn't know any of the nominees. What is she, 80? I don't think she's listening to a lot of avant-garde jazz or experimental electronica in her spare time. I don't know how 66.6 KTRP stays in business with employees like these. And what's with the continuity? In October, plans were announced for a strip mall to be constructed where Marty's Diner used to be, with construction set to begin in January. But in December, "Marty's Market" is somehow fully constructed and already has a bubble tea shop as a tenant? Make it make sense, TRAPS! And what the fuck happened with Gary The Grinder? What's going on?! How much blood is on his hands?! I can't keep it all straight in my head, and it's pissing me off. I need answers, and I don't have Billy Bones' email address. I have Doctor Butcher's email address, but he just keeps sending me unsolicited scans of old Polaroids of shadow people and "orbs". He's just not very communicative.

  2. What's with the radio crap? Why are you making this more confusing? I listened to our first award show and it was just an award show. Why did you have to make this a radio show? This is starting to get alienating for listeners. If you even have any left.

  3. I discovered this show out of the blue and I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be a big joke or whatever but I thought it was funny. Are the awards real or just made up? And are any of the products real? Because you mention discounts and stuff, but I don’t know where the show is. I can’t find any websites for these stores, so I’m guessing it’s not real, but this is all a bit confusing. I still enjoyed it, though, and I want to check out some of this music. So cool.

    1. I feel the same way. If this is all just a fake radio show then it's become unnecessarily confusing. So many fake businesses and a fake awards show? What does all of this mean? You're rambling about a food bank and somebody named Simon for no reason, and there's a producer and a woman operating a tele promter? What does any of this even mean? Is the whole show a big joke?

    2. I don't know about the other businesses, but I know Fire It Up is real. At least it used to be. As for everything else, don't worry about it. Just enjoy the show. Learn to relax, kids.

    3. I thought the show was really funny. I really did. There's some great comedy in this show, some really great jokes. Billy playing three winning songs at the same time got to me. The reactions from the audience and the hosts felt genuine and I laughed a lot. The ongoing issues with the microphones and the teleprompt was clever, I appreciated the way the show tied into all the other KTRP stuff without feeling forced, that it was still a genuine award show at the end of the day, just a really funny and entertaining one. The left-field poetry killed me. It actually wasn't bad poetry. Dr. Butcher has talent. I do have to mention what might be my two favorite moments. The first was during the Best Alternative Record win, you played a clip from "Guardian Angel", one of the most stirring and beautiful songs I've heard in a long time, and it just cuts off abruptly in the middle of the chorus, and it's so slap-dash and disrespectful that I love it. The second was right after, with the conversation about the suits the gruesome twosome are wearing. A very drunk and belligerent Gore gets very confrontational with the audience while Carey tries to keep things back on track. This is the moment when the tone of the show changes completely and it goes completely off the rails. It's comedy gold. Take a victory lap, TRAPS! It's a fucking BLAST!

    4. I really paid attention to the ambient noise last time I listened, and there's some gold buried in the mix. Somebody calls Gore a dick early on, there's a lot of sarcastic applause and heckling as the show goes on, and I love the random cricket. My favorite bit is the end. Carey's given up, wandering off to sit at the bar and Gore's just standing on stage getting frustrated. But there's so many great interactions throughout the show. I just appreciate that the audience grows more openly hostile as the program rolls on. It's good shit. I'd be interested to know how much of the show is scripted, because a lot of it feels like good improv, but some of the best scripted material ends up feeling natural. I honestly can't tell the difference. And that's why I'm so impressed.

  4. Keep giving John Zorn awards. Give him more awards next year. Make up a dozen categories and just make him the winner in all of them. Aside from the lack of John Zorn love, I thought the show was really good. I think I like this new format more, so keep up the good work. It's great that there's an award show out there that actually recognizes artists like Purba, Heejin Jang and Kristin Michael Hayter. I love it. I also loved the pointless diversions like rambling about nude photos of Dolph Lundgren and Grace Jones. I had a very good time listening to this insane award show.

    I am, however, going to be a little salty that I can't actually buy a bag of that "heresy" blend from Carruthers Coffee.

  5. The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards were a huge success! I wrote down all the records I voted for and kept score throughout the ceremony, and my final tally was 19 out of 21! My only misses were In This Moment for "best normal record" (my pick was Like...?) and MegaHammer for "best synthwave record" (my pick was Testament of a Wretched Dogma), so I'm pretty happy with the results overall. BONGOS picked up a Trappy, which pleases me greatly. The poetry was an odd inclusion, but I was into it. Gore & Carey were a little harsh on Billy Bones, but that's none of my business. I had a blast and a half listening to the ceremony from beginning to end, even if the live audience clearly couldn't appreciate the wonder they were experiencing in that run down bingo hall. Jolly good show, dear TRAPS. Tell the Gruesome Twosome Maxine says 'hi'.

    Rob Zombie couldn't find the point to miss it.

  6. I loved the show. It was great. It even inspired me to write a poem of my own, in fact. It's called "A Clown By Any Other Name". I hope you enjoy it.

    A Clown By Any Other Name

    In sonorous realms, ruined voices take flight,
    A wretched podcast named TRAPPO shines bright.
    Dustin and Ky, their vast knowledge unfold,
    On pop culture detritus, both new and quite old.

    From forgotten cult classics whispered through time,
    To obscure music acts that bludgeon your mind,
    No topic escapes their fetid embrace,
    Livid wit and weirdness set staggering pace.

    Crude feedback addressed, a bitter blend,
    Foul questions profound and stories without end,
    Award shows reimagined, a chaotic delight,
    Billy Bones stands a fool, a cancerous blight.

    A Canon, a spire, glitters among the sands,
    Packed with sparkling gems by loving hands,
    Bound for the void, humanity's memory guaranteed,
    Anointed by extraterrestrial seed.

    So if your fair ear craves less frivolous fun,
    Diseased pop culture you'll never outrun,
    Find succor with TRAPPO, a joyful abyss,
    Where absurdity reigns with a dread serpent's hiss.

    This poem's a mere token, a friendly invitation,
    To join the esoteric order, eternal invocation,
    Indulge with your friends, let sinful laughter ignite,
    TRAPPO's dark fire burns in the unyielding night.


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