New Music Showcase: "Anatomy Of Sight" by MALKA (Poll Closed)


(The poll is now closed, and I'm pleased to announce that Anatomy Of Sight from MALKA has officially been inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on in a unanimous decision! Congratulations are in order for the multi-talented Tamara Schlesinger! -D)

It's time once again for the return of the New Music Showcase! The response we've been getting from these episodes thus far has been almost overwhelmingly apathetic, at least if you judge by the engagement we're getting here on the old blog. But that's not the whole story, dear listener. Weirdly enough, there are plenty of people (okay, several people) across our social media web seem to really enjoy this little format we're work-shopping here, and we've gotten a pretty positive response from those folks, so honestly we're just doing it for them at this point. And for us, I suppose, because we just love gabbing at each other about new music all the time regardless. So basically we're just making this your problem, dear listener, because we want to expose YOU to some cool new music. 

And in the interest of exposing you to a whole bunch of killer new tunes, today we're kicking off our first New Music Showcase Month! Last year around this time we did a little something you may fondly remember called Good, Great or Garbage Month, which actually served as the inspiration for what eventually became our New Music Showcase format. So this February, we decided to just do that. We're doing a whole month of New Music Showcase, because we want to introduce you to some worthy new music. That's what this is all about, in case you haven't figured that out. We want you to check out some of these tunes, kids. We want you to fall in love!

Speaking of falling in love, this week we're talking all about Anatomy Of Sight, the latest album from MALKA, also known as multi-talented independent Scottish musician Tamara Schlesinger. She's got a lot going on in this world, and a pretty deep musical catalogue to dip into, if one were so inclined, but Anatomy Of Sight is a perfect introduction point for any new listeners, so dive right in! The episode is below, or you can find it on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, The Other Spotify, and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and join us on this long and winding musical road!

If you'd like to check out Anatomy Of Sight for yourselves, we encourage you to do so! Either CLICK HERE or listen below!

While we've got your attention, tell us what you think about Anatomy Of Sight. Leave a comment or two down below sharing your thoughts on MALKA's music, or really whatever else you've got on your mind. Is there something burning through your mind that you think we need to know? Tell us all about it, friends! Leave some comments down below and let's keep this conversation going! And if you want to share you more elaborate thoughts, you can always do that in an email if you feel the inspiration strike. Just direct those emails to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. That's the TRAPPO promise. It's a new promise, since we sort of left some of our earlier email friends hanging for a little while, and we apologize for that. So from now on, if you send us an email, we'll respond in a more prompt manner. 

Social media! It's everywhere! And it's slowly killing us all! Don't let it be said that TRAPPO didn't contribute to the continued downfall of civilization! That's why we're all over that social media kick! Just follow TRAPPO on Instagram, BlueSky and Threads, and we'll probably follow you back and be friends for life. Or at least until we finally lose interest and cancel TRAPPO for good. I guess that's always an option. But we probably won't stop doing TRAPPO any time soon. Probably not. But maybe.

Thanks for listening! And thanks for voting!


  1. I didn’t vote “fuck you”, that’s for sure. Good music. Good times. Thank you TRAPPO for introducing me to some great new music.

  2. I always look forward to the New Music Showcase. Even if the music isn't my cup of tea (which is rare), I tend to enjoy the conversation, and this episode was no different. I think I've become a fan of MALKA thanks to your show. Thanks for being the most entertaining 21 minutes of my long day.

  3. Thanks for talking about MALKA. The episode was great. MALKA's great. If Anatomy Of Sight doesn't get into the Can(n)on then I'm through with TRAPPO. Straight up. And if you TRAPS haven't checked out I'm Not Your Soldier, MALKA's previous album, you need to get on that, pals. It's the goods!!! Keep showcasing the new music. It's a worthwhile endeavor. SPREAD JOY. Be like Johnny Appleseed. You're the Johnny Appleseeds of cool music.

    Johnny Appleseed was growing apples for cider, by the way. Everybody was. That's why Americans grew apples. Nobody ate apples. They fermented those bad boys and were constantly drunk for like 150 years. It was safer than drinking the fucking water, that's for sure. Safer, and more fun. I know one of you (we know which one) is a big fan of the apple liquor, so you'd probably get along with Johnny Appleseed. If he were still alive. He's been dead since 1845, unfortunately. Get a Ouija Board and try to get Johnny Appleseed as a guest for your show. I'd listen to that.




  4. Hello friends. I like MALKA. I think it's swell. I wish to recommend to you friends something new, seeing as how this is new music showcase month and everything. I just finished listening to "And Yet It Dreams", an album from a group called Kalah. They're from Italy. That's all I really know. "And Yet It Dreams" is, from what I can gather from the music, an epic cyberpunk power metal story about a post-apocalyptic world where a robot gains sentience and tries to liberate its own kind from the tyranny of the human race? I think? It was badass at least, and I'm not normally a power metal fan. So there's that. Listen to "And Yet It Dreams", then do an episode of TRAPPO all about it, since I, Bimmy, am your most loyal listener, and I, Bimmy, never ask you for anything. Whatever. FUCK. I'm gonna go pass out on my sofa now.

    1. Bimmy here, back because I have more to say. In listening to Kalah's "And Yet It Dreams" on Bandcamp, I discovered another power metal gem called "Call Of The North" from Frozen Crown. I think they're also Italian, and maybe that's why they were recommended to me. Who knows how these things work? I sure as hell don't. But the thing is this album is really cool. Yes, it's also power metal, but these two bands sound very different. "Call Of The North" is more burly heroic fantasy, and it conjures cool images in the mind when one listens to the wonderment unfold. It's peachy keen, TRAPS. Power metal is back, and so is me, Bimmy. Have I mentioned that I listen to all of your shows and that I'm subscribed on Google podcasts because I love the show? Have I mentioned that my name is Bimmy? That might actually be my full legal name. Listen to this power metal and fucking thrash, pals. I think you folks need to do a power metal episode. Maybe even a power metal month. Black summer? No dice. POWER METAL MAY!

  5. Something about blowjobs


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