New Music Showcase: "Afternoon X" from Vanishing Twin (Poll Closed)


(The poll is closed, and Vanishing Twin's Afternoon X has been officially inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on. Congratulations! -D)

We're back with the exciting final installment of our inaugural New Music Showcase Month! This time around, we're discussing Afternoon X, the latest offering from UK psychedelic pop outfit Vanishing Twin! You can listen to the episode beloe, or find TRAPPO on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Spotify II: The Second Coming, and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and let's discover some cool new music together!

You can check out Vanishing Twin's Afternoon X below, or CLICK HERE to visit their Bandcamp!

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That's all for now. Check out Afternoon X. Stay alive. Thanks for listening.


  1. Were these episodes posted out of order? It’s a bit hard to follow.

  2. Driving home from schoolMarch 2, 2024 at 1:32 PM

    I think I like the pointless tangents more than the actual discussion. I would love to hear a Once Bitten and Rockula double feature episode.

    1. Some of the random stuff is definitely more entertaining than the subjects they’re discussing. Just a bunch of empty words about some music they listened to maybe once. At least try.


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