TRAPPO's Mail Bag #29!


Welcome back to the show that talks about you on purpose, dear listener! We've reached the 29th edition of TRAPPO's Mail Bag, which would mean something if anybody actually cared, which they don't. On this exciting installment, a bunch of stuff happens! I don't really know how else to state it, if I'm being honest. You probably know what a Mail Bag means by now. You left comments on the blog, and we're addressing them in this episode of the show. It's a simple premise. Just listen to the episode, okay? I don't have the time or energy to try and explain this any further. It's a weird episode, kids. Weird, wild stuff. You can listen below, or find us on Apple, RadioPublic, Pocket Casts, Spotify, Spotify 2: Fuck You, and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and ignore this podcast at your peril...

Join the conversation! Or don't. Don't leave a comment below, telling us what you thought of the latest episode. Don't share potential topics for future episodes. Don't leave feedback of any sort. Just keep ignoring our podcast and our blog and our email address ( and all of that good stuff. Also don't forget to ignore us on Instagram and Threads, because we wouldn't want our ghost town of a social media presence to feel left out in this circle jerk of shame, dear listener. Dear, dear imaginary listener. 

Next week, we'll release something new. I'm not sure what that will be yet, so we'll find out together. Or we won't, because you don't exist. So I will find out next week. Merrill Strand, your fondest dreams might just come true, so keep your fingers crossed! 

Thanks for nothing, motherfuckers!


  1. You guys are such assholes.

  2. Look, I'm going to come clean and admit that I don't know what the hell "Spiritual Jazz" is. My sister kept telling me to check out some music that called itself "Spiritual Jazz" and she sent me a link. I listened to it, and I don't know what's going on anymore. There's this album called Altera Vita from two people named Tony Kofi and Alina Bzhezhinska, and yes, I did copy/paste those names because no way in hell was I ever going to correctly spell or pronounce "Bzhezhinska". The album is kind of a laidback instrumental odyssey. I'm still mulling it over, but I think it's worth attention. Altera Vita. Spiritual Jazz. I guess this fits the bill. But does it fit your bill, TRAPS? How should I know?

    This mail bag was weird as hell, by the way. What's going on, guys?

  3. MALKA's victory calls for a new quest: Dragonslayer!

    Forget New Music Showcase Month. Dragonslayer instead! The true way!

    A win for new music? More like a win for Dragonslayer! BINGO!

    Dragonslayer: An epic journey of piss trails and violent wizards and circus animals.

    Bingo's heartwarming tale paves the way for Dragonslayer spoilers.


    Spoiling a 43-year-old monster of a movie, a fiery Dragonslayer podcast is born in blood.

    Kings, wizards, Sledge Hammer: Dragonslayer beckons a momentous journey of piss & fury.

    Embrace Dragonslayer's epic fantasy and let bugs crawl upon your grave!

  4. Good morrow, TRAPS. I'm enjoying the unhinged quality of the recent episodes, and this mail bag is especially out of its mind, which is quite appealing. I've got to meat this Deadly Dan fellow sometime. I know you said not to recommend any new music, but I just got through with this record and couldn't resist. It's called Marlinchen In The Snow, and it's full-throated baroque pop from a pair of Australian sisters who call themselves Charm of Finches. Do give it a listen sometime, dears.


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