TRAPPO Arthouse: "The World's Greatest Sinner" (1962)


Hello, dear listener. Welcome back to the show that talks about stuff on purpose. In an effort to raise the level of discourse here on TRAPPO, we have recently invested in a subscription to the Criterion Channel, the streaming service for consumers with a more refined palate. As we endeavor to class up the joint, as it were, we've decided to begin a new series here for those of you who are looking for something a bit more elevated in your podcast fare. Thus we unveil the glorious new TRAPPO Arthouse feature, and we certainly hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoy making it. We know you won't, but we'll keep doing this stuff anyway, because we're enjoying the journey so far. So get on board, kids, because this train's leaving the station!

Our inaugural installment of TRAPPO Arthouse is a deep dive into a bizarro political drama, religious satire, outsider art experiment directed by well-known character actor Timothy Carey, 1962's The World's Greatest Sinner, a movie you've almost certainly never heard of, because it was technically never released. There's a story behind that, and we get into it, as well as a whole bunch of other tall tales related to Carey and his magnum opus, in the episode, which you can find below, or check out on Apple, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, The Hideous Reflection of Spotify, and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and tune into this twisting journey down the river of cinematic madness at your leisure. 

Join the conversation! Tell us what you think of The World's Greatest Sinner. Have you not seen the movie? We don't blame you. You can currently view the film on Criterion Channel, and you can take advantage of a seven-day free trial, so sign up, watch the movie, cancel your subscription before they charge you, then come on back and tell us what you think in a comment below! We'd love to hear from you. And if you have more to say, more than might fit into the confines of a blog comment, you can always send us your thoughts in a well-worded email, which we would greatly appreciate. Just CLICK HERE to do that, if you're feeling frisky. We're also on social media, so follow TRAPPO on Threads (CLICK HERE) and Instagram (CLICK HERE) and we'll have a blast shit-posting and giggling like excited children while the world slowly falls apart.

Thanks for listening!


  1. this sounds like one of the worst movies ever made. there's nothing "arthouse" about the outhouse.


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