TRAPPO's Big September Catch-Up Post!!!


Hello, dear listener. It's been a while, I know. New episodes have been released at a steady clip, and The TRAPPO Town Gazette rolling along, but this dear blog has been neglected throughout the month of September. To be honest, I've been dealing with some physical maladies that have kept me from the keyboard as of late, and as such I haven't been posting regularly. My ailments haven't disappeared, and in some ways have only gotten worse, so I may not come back to this blog for a while, depending on how things shake up over the next several days. If you never hear from me again, you can just assume I'm dead. I am not trying to be melodramatic. I'm just a realist. You don't need to know what's been going on with me. It's not something I'm in the mood to share, so let's just get on with the task at hand, dear listener.

On September 6, TRAPPO's Mail Bag #33 was released. On this episode: Late Night With The Devil is discussed, closet monsters are battled, and a whole bunch of other stuff also happens. Give it a listen below if you're at all interested.

On September 13 (spooooooky Friday the 13th! OooOOOooOOoOO!), we celebrated by discussing the music of prog-metal band REZN, which has absolutely nothing to do with Friday the 13th. It was just a coincidence, dear listener. If you'd like to hear us ramble about the band's recent double-album, Solace & Burden, you can listen below.

Finally, today's brand-new release is a return to the TRAPPO Arthouse! This week, we're taking a closer look at 1986's surreal Sleepwalk, directed by the multi-talented Sarah Driver. The film is currently available to view on the Criterion Channel, but if you want to hear us have a jaunty little discussion about this nigh-incomprehensible motion picture, you can listen below, or find TRAPPO on Apple, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Spotify 2, or Amazon, so choose your own adventure and join us on this pointless journey through the endless misery of corporeal existence. 

That's all I've got going on right now. You can leave a comment below if you want. Tell us things. Send us an email. CLICK HERE to send us an email. Subscribe to The TRAPPO Town Gazette by CLICKING HERE, which is free to do. We're also on Threads (barely), so CLICK HERE to follow us there. I'm going to go lie down and try not to die. Maybe I'll be back next Friday to introduce the season 3 finale, or maybe you'll never hear from me again. Who knows? It's all up in the air right now. 

Either way, enjoy your week, and thank you for listening.


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