New Music Showcase: [UM] from Martha Skye Murphy


(The poll is closed, and [UM] has officially been inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on! Congratulations to Martha Skye Murphy! -D)

Welcome back, dear listener. A lot can change in a week, can't it? What happens next? Nothing good, that much I can tell you. Things have taken quite a turn, and who knows if we'll ever find any light at the end of the long, dark tunnel that lies ahead. In short: we're fucked, and you'd better enjoy these next few months of relative sanity, because come January 20 it's all going to hell. But that's not today's problem, dear listener. Today, there's a brand-new episode of TRAPPO out there on the internet for your listening pleasure. And not just any episode either, but a New Music Showcase! You remember those, right? Some listeners wanted us to do more New Music Showcases, and then I guess they just stopped listening to the show altogether because the listener numbers don't reflect any excitement over these episodes. So why do we keep doing them? Because we like listening to cool new music, and we like the idea of introducing our listeners to cool new music. That's pretty much it. No need to overthink things. 

And what's the cool new music on the menu this week? It's [UM], the debut album from a talented new artist from the UK named Martha Skye Murphy, and we think it's worth your time. If you'd like to listen to us ramble about this new album for a little while, then you're in luck, because it's embedded below. You can also find the show on Apple, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Spotify Too, and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and check out some cool new music courtesy of your friends as TRAPPO!

Would you like to listen to [UM] from Martha Skye Murphy? You should, and it's so easy to do, since there's an embed directly below this text, or you can check out her Bandcamp page by CLICKING HERE!

Join the conversation! Leave a comment below telling us what you think of [UM], and if you have any suggestions for music that you think we should listen to, tell us all about it! We always love reading your suggestions. If you have a strong desire to share your thoughts in a long-winded email, just CLICK HERE to do that and we'll probably respond to you in a relatively timely manner. We're also on Threads, so if you're on Threads and would like follow TRAPPO on Threads, then CLICK HERE to follow TRAPPO on Threads and we'll be on Threads together! There's also an official TRAPPO newsletter out there if you didn't already know. It's called The TRAPPO Town Gazette, and new editions drop every Wednesday, so if you'd like to subscribe (for free), just CLICK HERE and you'll have a fresh edition in your inbox every week. Free is quite the bargain, folks. You can't beat that.

Thanks for listening!

(And if you voted for Donald Trump, or you decided to vote third party or to sit this election out altogether because you couldn't be bothered to vote on November 5, kindly go fuck yourself. -D)


  1. Thanks for the random “bleeding Kansas” tangent, I guess. At least the random Simpsons quote made me laugh.

    1. I'll be in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missouri!

  2. It’s cool music and she’s a talented artist

  3. So when are you going to do an episode on The Lives Of Others? And great job pronouncing the name of that director. If I didn't know better, I'd think you had practiced that for a while, because it sounded smooth. UM is cool music, by the way. I enjoyed it quite a bit. More lovely recommendations to keep a lonely trucker company. Appreciate it.


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