This Is Not A Review of "Forgiveness" by Girlpool


This week's episode is not a review of 2022's Forgiveness by synthpop duo Girlpool. You may think it is at first glance, but we assure you that's not what this actually is. Sure, we may discuss Forgiveness for a few minutes, but that hardly qualifies as a review. We also discuss Allegoria, the feature film debut from hard rock musician-turned-filmmaker Spider One, who is also the younger brother of Rob Zombie. Allegoria is currently streaming on SHUDDER. But we don't review Allegoria, either. So what do we do in this episode, aside from not reviewing Forgiveness? Not much, honestly. It's sort of an off-week here at TRAPPO. We burned ourselves out with last week's Halloween special episode and the latest Mail Bag that nobody bothered to listen to, so we're just taking it easy this Friday, not reviewing 2022's Forgiveness by Girlpool

You can not listen to the episode below, or you can also ignore it on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic (does anybody even know what RadioPublic is?), Spotify and Anchor, but tt doesn't really matter, since you're not going to listen to this episode, anyway. So choose your own adventure and just ignore whatever's embedded below this text...

You can always join the conversation if you feel like it, although there's no conversation to join this week since we don't actually discuss anything on the episode, but feel free to type something below if you feel like wasting some of your precious time. If you do, we'll waste some of our precious time at a later date reading aloud whatever drivel you've typed out on a future episode of the show that nobody will ever hear, but we sure appreciate it just the same. You can also waste even more of your precious time by sending us an email, even though we know you won't. We're also on Twitter and Instagram, but you don't care about any of that. This is all pointless, but we have to do the "call to action" at the end of the post, because we have to keep up this charade that TRAPPO is a "real" podcast with a "real" audience that "really" listens to it and they "really" follow us on social media because they want to keep apprised of the comings and goings of a pair of nobodies who don't talk about Forgiveness by Girlpool for eleven minutes. 

But you're not really reading any of this because you don't really exist.


  1. I did not enjoy this

  2. Does TRAPPO need therapy because this post reads like a cry for help.

  3. Don Henley? The Heart of The Matter? What the hell is this? I thought this was TRAPO.

    1. Nothing wrong with Don Henley or any of The Eagles, man. TRAPPO is what TRAPPO is. We contain multitudes.

  4. I exist, I listen to the show, but I don't follow you on social media because I don't do social media. Two out of three ain't bad. I am subscribed to the podcast via Google, so that should count for something. I always want to call that Don Henley song "Forgiveness", because it just sounds like it should be called "Forgiveness", right? Maybe Girlpool can cover that song sometime. I should get in touch with them on Instagram. Except I'm not on Instagram. I may create an account just to tell Girlpool to cover "The Heart Of The Matter". That's a good enough reason to join Instagram, I suppose.

    Thanks for reminding me that "Ascension Millennium" exists, by the way. I should un--subscribe for that. And I might. Probably not. But I don't rule it out. If you DON'T talk about The Eurythmics soon, that might be the last straw. I'm not trying to hold my patronage hostage or anything like that, but this is really important to me. Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart got me through some serious shit in high school and I need my 79th favorite podcast to talk about their fucking amazing music. And if Switched On Pop won't cover The Eurythmics, then I guess fucking TRAPPO's going to have to pick up the slack.

    Come on! Don't you wanna get bumped up in the rankings? 79 sounds pretty good, TRAPS! It sounds a lot better than getting knocked down to 81, at any rate. You can't let those chumps Groucho & CHUD at The Beer Report win! You can focus on 1983's Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) if you want to make it easy on yourselves. Or you can make it even easier on yourselves and just do the mixtape thing. I might nominate half of their catalogue in that case, but at least that part's out of your hands.

    Just make it happen. Soon. And by "soon", I mean sometime between now and the heat death of the universe. Or, to paraphrase my bright sun, my shining moon and stars, Annie Lennox, here comes disappointment again.

    1. Mimi Parker is gone, and it's breaking my heart. The music of Low has gotten me through some of the worst times in my life. I saw them in concert three times and I wish I could have seen them a hundred more times. Their music is special, and I love it with all my heart. My favorite release of theirs has always been Songs For A Dead Pilot, and I've had it on heavy rotation for days now. Give it a listen and remember the amazing human being that was Mimi Parker.

  5. I'm just terribly disappointed by all of this.


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