TRAPPO's Mail Bag #21!


We're back, dear listener, with a brand-new installment of the show that talks about you on purpose! And what an exciting episode we have in store for you! It's not quite as monumental as the last Mail Bag with two whole emails, but we think it's still pretty cool. This particular episode is all about Halloween! We know it's a little early for some, but we have a good excuse, because this episode deals with a bunch of feedback from our series of Halloween-related shows. Do you remember those? We discussed David Gordon Green's Halloween trilogy, last year's Hellraiser reboot, and our special All Hallows broadcast. We also talk about the classic sword and sorcery epic Conan The Barbarian, autoerotic asphyxiation, the recent resurgence in hosted horror programming, we recommend some badass music, Madonna's Erotica, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Then things get a little weird. We think it's a decent episode. But we might be biased.

You can find it below, or listen to TRAPPO on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Spotify for Podcasters (WHY?!) and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and join us on this journey of Halloween frivolity!

Join the conversation! Leave a comment below telling us what you think of all the crap we talked about in this most recent episode, or just tell us anything else. We don't really care anymore. Just give us feedback. And if you want to give us more feedback, you can always send us a big, fat email, which we always appreciate. 

Oh, and Second Line from Dawn Richard has officially been inducted into the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on, if you're interested. Rejoice.

Thanks for listening!


  1. Conan The Barbarian is in the canon! Now what about Conan The Destroyer? Or Red Sonja? Or the Conan The Barbarian remake starring Aquaman? Canon The Barbarian?

  2. Madonna’s overrated and she looks like she’s a bloated corpse these days. Past her prime, which wasn’t much to speak of anyway. Thumbs down!

  3. Sammy (not my real name)April 7, 2023 at 12:00 AM

    So some band called Soft Plastics just dropped an album called “Saturn Return”. I listened to it. Then I listened to it again. They’re from New Zealand, AKA Middle Earth. I’ve always wanted to visit New Zealand, but I’m broke and don’t want to spend 900 hours on an airplane filled with the dregs of humanity.

    Dregs is a funny word. Is there a singular dreg? Can we only have the plural dregs? That doesn’t seem fair. Soft Plastics describes their sound as “what if the Ronettes were from Twin Peaks?”, and I don’t know who the Ronettes are, so that doesn’t help me much, but they said Twin Peaks, and that’s a good show, and I guess there’s a bit of that slow dreamy quality to the music. It’s not terribly complicated or challenging stuff. Just pretty solid alternative rock from some talented musicians. I like it.

    Sammy isn’t my real name. I’m never going to tell you clowns my real name because I don’t have to. You don’t deserve to know my real name. You haven’t earned that privilege, TRAPPO. Maybe I work for the CIA. Maybe I know where you live. Maybe I ate a hot dog in a suggestive manner while I typed this comment. Maybe I don’t exist. One thing’s for sure: I will never comment on this blog again. Unless I think of something else to say in the future.

    Today’s a national holiday. It’s National “Werewolf Armistice” Day. The war’s over. We can all go home. We need no longer fear the full moon. You’re welcome. Did I mention I’m drunk? I saved the day and got a medal. Listen to Rubber Soul or Soft cell or whatever I said earlier. Plastic Saturn. Lime jello.


  4. That one guy talking about going to Woodstock 99 is completely full of shit. Puma Dork is, in my professional opinion, a fucking liar. I said it. You're a liar. What are you gonna do about it? Because I'll fight you. I'll fight your whole family. I watched Woodstock 99 on pay-per-view with a bunch of my friends. We got baked and laughed a lot, because we were so high we thought what was happening was all fake. When we sobered up and the stories began to circulate about all the horrible things that actually happened, we all felt pretty bad about our previous frivolity. It's just a bad scene.

    I gotta be honest, I'd love to find some music that's actually supposed to summon demons or spirits. That would be cool. Unless they showed up and tried to eat my face. That's not my idea of a good time. Do people still form cults just as an excuse to have a bunch of orgies? I'd join a cult like that. Musical sex magic ceremonies that may or may not summon tentacled gods from parallel dimensions are my kind of weird. Maybe I need to get started on that.

  5. Blame It On The PainApril 14, 2023 at 2:31 PM

    I used to love going outside when I was a kid. I'd play out in the sun with my friends for hours. Sometimes we'd just sit. We'd sit in the sun and tell jokes and trade baseball cards and sweat. Not anymore. When the sun's out, I'm staying in. I don't want no skin cancer. I'll just sit inside and watch a movie or read a book. Fuck the sun. I'm currently reading The Arrest by Jonathan Lethem. It's pretty good. What are you reading, TRAPS? Tell me what you're reading, you bastards. If I don't think it sounds like the stupidest thing ever, I might check it out from my local library soon. No promises, but I'll think about it. You pricks should read The Arrest, by the way.

    Whatever. That's all I've got.

    Is this the end of TRAPPO's Mail Bag? Let's cross our fingers and pray that it is.

    The world has suffered enough.


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