TRAPPO's Mail Bag #25! (and the current state of things, such as they are...)


Welcome back to the show that talks about you on purpose! This is the 25th edition of TRAPPO's Mail Bag, and I suppose that means something. I'm not sure what it means, but it's a milestone, at least. Wow. Twenty-five episodes of this... thing. The time sure flies, doesn't it? This particular episode focuses on feedback from our Good, Great or Garbage month-long experiment back in February. I know it's now December, so why has it taken so long to get this episode released? Put simply, I couldn't find the raw audio file for a long while, and after finally discovering it and editing this episode, I released it as quickly as I could. So here it is! I'm sure you're all very excited. 

This episode's discussion starts off normally enough, but there reaches a certain point where things... sort of go off the rails. I'm not going to spoil anything, because I want you dear listeners to go in fresh, but it's a strange one, this episode. And believe it or not, this turn of events wasn't our fault. No, this time the blame is yours, dear listener. You left some weird-ass comments that we had to address, so our hands are clean. If you want to partake in the madness, just listen below, or find us on Apple, Google, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, The Other Spotify (the one for podcasters), and Amazon, so choose your own adventure and learn the secrets of the caramel unicorn!

Join the conversation! Leave a comment below telling us what you think of the latest mail bag, or just leave us some suggestions for future episodes--

Actually, I don't know if that even matters anymore. The only constant in life is change. That's what chemistry teaches us. I don't know what the future holds, but it may not have a place for TRAPPO in it, at least not in its current form. There are a handful of episodes already edited and ready to be shared, enough for the rest of the year and a bit more, but that might end up being all we're good for. There were plans for additional KTRP episodes and a 2023 edition of the TRAPPO Music Awards, with a new poll and everything, but that's all in flux right now. The plans just aren't coming together, which is the real problem. Will any of these seeds actually germinate into anything worthwhile? I honestly have no idea. I couldn't even get this blog post out on time, even though the episode went live yesterday, because I'm not in a very good headspace right now. 

So even though I would love for you dear listeners to keep commenting here, I'm not sure there will be future episodes of TRAPPO's Mail Bag to answer your queries and address your concerns. I suppose I could begin directly addressing your comments here on the blog from now on. That would certainly be quicker. No more waiting ten months to see if we're actually going to get back to you. Who knows? The focus of TRAPPO may change drastically in the new year. Or it may simply cease to exist. I don't know how things are going to shake out just yet. Maybe it doesn't matter. I know there are a handful of dedicated listeners out there, but even they'll forget all about this pathetic little excuse for a podcast soon enough once it stops updating.

Hell, we actually got an email, a real email, with a bunch of words strung together in order and everything, from a fan on October 16th, but we haven't been able to get our shit together to record a new Mail Bag to address that email in six weeks. I'm genuinely sorry, Merrill! We weren't ignoring you, I promise! We recorded one episode of the show last month, and you've already heard it. I don't know what comes next. But you don't need to read as I ramble on and on about problems for which you have no context nor pretext to care, so I'm just going to say goodbye for now, dear listener. 

For the immediate future, nothing will change. There will be a new episode next week. And for the next several weeks thereafter. Keep commenting if you wish. I'd love to read what you have to say, and I'll start trying to address your comments here on the blog more often. There might be a Christmas-related episode coming soon. That could still happen. There might be a new KTRP transmission in the not-too-distant future. The 2023 TRAPPO Music Awards may still come together. If so, keep watching the blog for the ridiculously large poll to go live. Keep following us on social media (Instagram, BlueSky, Threads) if you're looking for more TRAPPO-related frivolity. And thank you for listening.



  1. This all sounds very depressing

  2. Glad to see the big awards show is on!

  3. What the hell is going on with the psycho recipe talk? You got some weird fans.

  4. You’re not very nice to the people who comment on your blog. I say this knowing full well that I’m leaving a negative comment on your blog.

  5. That was an intense story in the email you guys shared. I had friends with parents like that. Real bad people. I’m glad the writer of the email got away from that horrible environment and found happiness with her people.

  6. Things are going great. This mailbag is crazy, guys. I’m all for this weird recipe stuff, though. I can’t cook to save my life, so I don’t have any to share, otherwise there would be a ton of Bimmy original recipes all in ver this blog. Maybe you guys could gather enough to make a TRAPPO cookbook. That would be a thing.

    1. “Over”, not “in ver”. I don’t think “in ver” means anything.

  7. I would like it if your show focused more on a mix of new music showcase s and deep dives on older albums and artists. Maybe do regular monthly polls to see what your audience wants you to talk about and that’s an episode for the next month or something like that. And maybe think about changing the show’s name. Just a suggestion.

  8. I listened to the Halsey episode, as well as a few others. I was wrong. I can admit that. Sorry.


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